I am starting a group at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge UK and have two positions to advertise.
Salary: £37,500 per annum
Duration: 3 years
Application deadline: 30th October 2023
We are looking for a postdoctoral scientist to join the group of Joe Greener to work on developing a universal biomolecular force field for molecular simulation. The computational position will involve using the emerging technology of differentiable simulation and recent advances such as continuous atom typing to train the next generation of force fields.
You will become an early member of a friendly, multi-disciplinary team that collaborates with experimentalists at the MRC-LMB. The project will involve significant coding using the Julia package Molly.jl on both CPU and GPU, as well as addressing relevant computational and algorithmic questions. You will become an expert in molecular dynamics methods and differentiable programming. You will have a PhD in a relevant subject, or are due to complete within 6 months, and have experience in coding. Previous experience with computational chemistry, physical simulation or machine learning will be an advantage.
PhD student
See project description at https://www2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/students/international-phd-programme/projects/joe-greener.
Full funding available.
Application deadline: 5th December 2023
For informal enquiries please contact Joe Greener: jgreener@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk.