Category Topics

User discussions

Discussion forum for installation and usage of GROMACS software ( Please make an account to ask or answer a question.


GROMACS-related announcements.
Everybody can see, only staff can post.

Developers discussions

Discussion forum on GROMACS development and related software. Here you can discuss your ideas and intentions related to the development of GROMACS. Interested in participating, please click here to send a request to join the GROMACS developers group.

Third party tools and files

Here you find third party tools and files useful for the GROMACS community. You can create a new post to describe tools and files, useful for the GROMACS community or you can discuss the usage of existing contributions by answering to the corresponding post. If you have questions about a tool not listed here, post them in the “User discussion” category. Note that contributions are not necessarily verified or endorsed by the GROMACS developers. The category is moderated. Please make an account to post and discuss. Read more her


Here you can provide your input on GROMACS-related topic or initiative by answering to posted polls.

Site feedback

Here you can ask questions and provide feedback on the site. If you have any questions about how things work here, post and discuss it.

Open position announcements

Here you can post about open positions in the field of molecular dynamics simulations and/or of interest of the GROMACS community. The category is moderated. Note that the contents are not necessarily verified or endorsed by the GROMACS team.