Atoms renumbering

GROMACS version: 2020.1
GROMACS modification: No
Hi all,

I wrote a section of a .gro file with trjconv using an index, but the atoms are renumbered in the new .gro file:
Original .gro:

104TIP3   OH2  310   2.533   2.588   2.179  0.1968 -0.5520 -0.2968
104TIP3    H1  311   2.581   2.511   2.150  1.3339 -0.2456  0.6895
104TIP3    H2  312   2.495   2.563   2.263 -1.1699 -0.6914 -0.9294
128TIP3   OH2  382   2.246   3.223   2.960 -0.0413 -0.2121 -0.7616
128TIP3    H1  383   2.310   3.267   3.016 -0.2133  0.7772 -1.3384
128TIP3    H2  384   2.184   3.291   2.935 -0.2262 -0.7393 -1.7984

New .gro file:

  104TIP3   OH2    1   2.533   2.588   2.179  0.1968 -0.5520 -0.2968
  104TIP3    H1    2   2.581   2.511   2.150  1.3339 -0.2456  0.6895
  104TIP3    H2    3   2.495   2.563   2.263 -1.1699 -0.6914 -0.9294
  128TIP3   OH2    4   2.246   3.223   2.960 -0.0413 -0.2121 -0.7616
  128TIP3    H1    5   2.310   3.267   3.016 -0.2133  0.7772 -1.3384
  128TIP3    H2    6   2.184   3.291   2.935 -0.2262 -0.7393 -1.7984

How can I avoid this renumbering to keep the original atom numbers?

Thanks in advance.


Pretty sure the code does it by default, unfortunately. Have seen mentioned that are plans to rework various parts of the code to not do things like this.

As a solution to your current problem, you might have to write your own code to return the atom numbers back to how you want them to be.