GROMACS version: 2020.4
GROMACS modification: Yes/No
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Hello everyone!
I’ve been working on a 512 molecules system, I ran 400,000,000 steps with a dt=0.002, rlist=1.2, coulombtype=PME, DispCorr=EnergPres, NPT. I tried to calculate the dielectric constant using gmx dipoles, but the process is killed at 542000 ps. I tried a few options but the process is killed at the same time. Is there a problem calculating properties for a big simulation?
You may simply be running out of memory trying to do that calculation. Does the command complete successfully when limiting the number of frames read, e.g. by setting -e and a short time?
Disk space isn’t relevant, it’s the amount of memory used in the calculation. Since gmx dipoles is looping over all the molecules and all the frames to compute the dielectric, it requires a lot of memory.