Gmx angle atom numbers

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GROMACS modification: Yes/No

Dead all

I would like to determine the angles between two ssdna base rings stacked on top of each other

I tried various methods but ssdna base step parameters are not calculated as there is no software yet.
I tried the x3dna and the biobb but they require double strand for calculation.

I am trying the gromacs now but the problem coming are several that are already reported but the solutions I cannot understand.

I create an index file like this with atom numbers

1 2 3

2 3 5

The error the gms trows is number divisible by 3 .
I have created triplets as indicated in help.

Is it wrong to give atom numbers?

The other issue was when I write -g1 as plane.
The error is group 1 and 2 should be the same selection.

Can anyone explain the situation and how to resolve it.

I am grateful for any idea that can come my way.

Tnank you