I’m using the current GROMACS version that contained a new “dssp” command and removed the old “do_dssp”. However, when I was trying to use the following command:
the command only gives a “.dat” output file containing “~”, “S”, and “P”, which is entirely unphysical because my protein obviously contained alpha helices and beta sheets (with VMD).
We did tests with some set of randomly selected proteins from pdb, and checked that output of gmx dssp and original DSSPv4 was the same. So I agreed with @al42and that to check if its issue with gmx dssp we need example/test files which have differences in assignment of secondary structures between two tools.
Thanks for your comments. I cannot disclose the pdb and the trajectory files in my original post, but I have another input pdb and the xtc trajectory available in this link that has the same problem: gmx_test_dssp.zip - Google Drive
And the gmx dssp result for one single frame (for the pdb only, with no trajectory input) was:
I am using gmx2023 “dssp” for secondary structures. It cannot recognize beta sheet though. Although gmx2021 do_dssp recognize some beta sheet structures and also VMD shows beta sheets for the same trajectory. Has anyone had same issues?