Gmx order - is it possible to get standard deviation/error of the results?

GROMACS version: 2022
GROMACS modification: No
I have a question. Is it possible to get errors, for example standard deviation of my results in gmx order?
For MGDG lipid I have results like:

2 0.193571
3 0.303616
4 0.295035
5 0.301556
6 0.277012
7 0.270018
8 0.216542
9 0.207125
10 0.0234358
11 -0.0647441
12 0.166839
13 0.0761101
14 0.0373471
15 0.112092
16 0.0335867
17 0.0100009

I thought about using -permolecule option and then get SCD of each molecule, calculate deviation and average. Probably I could also use gmx order every 10 ps in for loop in bash script and then calculate deviation and average, but It would take a lot of time (for 100 ns I need to run 10000 times gmx order) and processing of files would be laborious, but I would have a standard deviation with respect to molecules and frames.

I wonder if there is an easier way?

Subdividing the trajectory over time is probably the best bet, but an interval of 10 ps is way too short. You probably shouldn’t even be saving frames that often for a system like this. Relaxation times of lipids are much longer than the ps scale. If you have 100 ns, maybe break that into 10-ns chunks of time, but I wouldn’t go much shorter than that.

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