How to solve this problem?

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Fatal error:
Atom -C not found in residue ALY 14, rtp entry ALY while adding hydrogens
HETATM 2331 N ALY B 14 5.996 8.257 8.141 1.00 50.83
HETATM 2332 CA ALY B 14 4.967 8.879 9.032 1.00 50.81
HETATM 2333 C ALY B 14 4.026 7.800 9.485 1.00 51.13
HETATM 2334 O ALY B 14 4.055 7.388 10.640 1.00 52.80
HETATM 2335 CE ALY B 14 2.627 12.147 7.364 1.00 45.11
HETATM 2336 CD ALY B 14 3.231 11.178 6.354 1.00 46.03
HETATM 2337 CG ALY B 14 4.435 10.469 6.983 1.00 47.32
HETATM 2338 CB ALY B 14 4.115 9.991 8.407 1.00 48.29
HETATM 2339 CH ALY B 14 0.304 12.830 7.309 1.00 45.97
HETATM 2340 OH ALY B 14 -0.053 11.871 7.965 1.00 49.15
HETATM 2341 CH3 ALY B 14 -0.698 13.833 6.869 1.00 46.21
HETATM 2342 NZ ALY B 14 1.570 13.040 6.941 1.00 46.04

How to solve this problem?o(╥﹏╥)o I am going crazy…

ALY is not a standard residue, did you add it to your residue library & .hdb file? If so, mind sharing the respective entries?

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I hope I am making a contribution to this thread.

In CHARMM36 for example, there are entries for Acetylated lysine.

In charmm36_ljpme-jul2022.ff/aminoacids.rtp there is this entry

[ ALY ]
; acetylated Lysine
  [ atoms ]
        N      NH1 -0.4700   1
       HN        H  0.3100   1
       CA      CT1  0.0700   1
       HA      HB1  0.0900   1
       CB      CT2 -0.1800   2
      HB1      HA2  0.0900   2
      HB2      HA2  0.0900   2
       CG      CT2 -0.1800   3
      HG1      HA2  0.0900   3
      HG2      HA2  0.0900   3
       CD      CT2 -0.1800   4
      HD1      HA2  0.0900   4
      HD2      HA2  0.0900   4
       CE      CT2 -0.0200   5
      HE1      HA2  0.0900   5
      HE2      HA2  0.0900   5
       NZ      NH1 -0.4700   5
      HZ1        H  0.3100   5
       CH        C  0.5100   6
       OH        O -0.5100   6
      CH3      CT3 -0.2700   7
     HH31      HA3  0.0900   7
     HH32      HA3  0.0900   7
     HH33      HA3  0.0900   7
        C        C  0.5100   8
        O        O -0.5100   8
  [ bonds ]
       CB    CA
       CG    CB
       CD    CG
       CE    CD
       NZ    CE
        N    HN
        N    CA
        C    CA
        C    +N
       CA    HA
       CB   HB1
       CB   HB2
       CG   HG1
       CG   HG2
       CD   HD1
       CD   HD2
       CE   HE1
       CE   HE2
        O     C
       NZ   HZ1
       NZ    CH
       CH    OH
       CH   CH3
      CH3  HH31
      CH3  HH32
      CH3  HH33
  [ impropers ]
        N    -C    CA    HN
        C    CA    +N     O
       NZ    CH    CE   HZ1
       CH   CH3    NZ    OH
  [ cmap ]
       -C     N    CA     C    +N

and in charmm36_ljpme-jul2022.ff/aminoacids.hdb there is this one

ALY        8
1       1       HN      N       CA      -C     
1       5       HA      CA      C       CB      N      
2       6       HB      CB      CA      CG     
2       6       HG      CG      CB      CD     
2       6       HD      CD      CE      CG     
2       6       HE      CE      CD      NZ     
1       1       HZ1     NZ      CE      CH     
3       4       HH3     CH3     CH      NZ

I hope this helps.


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Thanks Ivan. Should I change the file? What should I do? Sorry that I know little about this field.o(╯□╰)o

How to add it to my residue library & .hdb file? I know little about that.o(╥﹏╥)o

Thanks @ivangreg, that’s helpful! I can imagine ALY is not recognized as a protein → it’s not treated by pdb2gmx as part of the polymer → the -C entry is not recognized as the carbonyl of the previous amino acid → the line in the .hdb cannot be processed.

The solution seems to be simple, copy residuetypes.dat to your local directory and before re-running pdb2gmx, add a line like:

ALY  	Protein

Let me know if that fixes it - I’m assuming ALY is already in your .hdb and .rtp as otherwise Gromacs would print a different error.

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Where would residuetypes.dat be located?

Depending on your installation, for me it’s in /usr/share/gromacs/top/.

On Unix check the location of your Gromacs executable with which gmx, typically it will be that folder + ../share/gromacs/top

Thank you.

I can confirm that, as @milosz.wieczor pointed out, the file is located here


in an installation of GROMACS 2024.1

I can also confirm that in my installation /residuetypes.dat did not have an entry for ALY.

So, probably, adding it as suggested could be a solution.

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OK!Thank you very much!

Hi @ZhangYi .

Did the solution proposed by @milosz.wieczor work?

It would be nice to leave a note of success/failure for the next person finding the same error.

Thank you


Yes! It worked!I have solved this problem. Thank you very much!