GROMACS version: 2022.4
GROMACS modification: No
I have compiled and tested (no errors) the gmx successfully.
I have compiled gmx_mpi successfully I think.
When I run, “make check”, I get the following Failed message for many tests:
Test project /usr/local/downloads/gromacs-2022.4/build
Start 1: GmxapiExternalInterfaceTests
1/90 Test #1: GmxapiExternalInterfaceTests … Passed 3.67 sec
Start 2: GmxapiMpiTests
2/90 Test #2: GmxapiMpiTests …***Failed 0.02 sec
A prefix was supplied to mpiexec that only contained slashes.
This is a fatal error; mpiexec will now abort. No processes were launched.
I get this error on both ubuntu and debian boxes. I haven’t been able to find a solution. I am hoping the developers and/or users here may have seen this and may have a solution.