GROMACS version: 5.1.4
GROMACS modification: No
Respected community members,
I have a very basic doubt that I would like to ask. Sorry for my ignorance. I am working on protein ligand simulation following the tutorials by Dr. Lemkul. I have enclosed my protein in a cubic box by using the following command:
Command line:
gmx editconf -f ComplexWT.gro -o complex_box.gro -bt cubic -c -d 1.5
I got the following output:
Read 7520 atoms
Volume: 0 nm^3, corresponds to roughly 0 electrons
No velocities found
system size : 6.055 7.241 5.252 (nm)
diameter : 7.488 (nm)
center : 8.346 5.001 4.642 (nm)
box vectors : 0.000 0.000 0.000 (nm)
box angles : 0.00 0.00 0.00 (degrees)
box volume : 0.00 (nm^3)
shift : -3.101 0.243 0.602 (nm)
new center : 5.244 5.244 5.244 (nm)
new box vectors : 10.488 10.488 10.488 (nm)
new box angles : 90.00 90.00 90.00 (degrees)
new box volume :1153.79 (nm^3)
My basic doubt is why box vectors, angles, and volume are written twice. Also, why initial box vectors, angles and volume are shown as 0. Am I doing some thing worng?