GROMACS version: 2021.1
GROMACS modification: No
I did 100 ns production mdrun followed by the wonderful tutorial (Lysozyme in Water) using my own protein. I made a figure for wide-type (wt_rmsd, backbone RMSD by Ref: equilibrated) and one-mutation (mi_rmsd, backbone RMSD by Ref: equilibrated) and two-mutation (miv_rmsd, backbone RMSD by Ref: equilibrated) together as attached here.
I, as a beginner of GROMAC MD, have some questions about this figure.
(1) For these 3 series, is 100 ns enough? It seems mi_rmsd has an increasing trend and miv_rmsd has a jump at about 92 ns.
(2) If 100 ns is not enough, should I continue another 200-ns MD?
(3) Generally, what is the criteria (or thumb of rule) for a good MD simulation indicating the simulation time is enough?
(4) What can I learn from this figure? wt_rmsd is more stable than mi_rmsd and miv_rmsd?
(5) Can I do some following structure analysis based on the 3 series rmsd? I mean are these 3 series RMSD indicating my MD is stable and can do the following structure analysis?
(6) Generally, how long (300 ns is enough?) should I perform production mdrun for “enzyme in water” in order to figure out the conformation changes caused by the single-point or double-point mutations by comparison with wide-type?
Thanks for your help!