GROMACS version: 2018
Hi everybody. I’m very much a beginner with GROMACS and MD software in general, but I’m interested in using it to model some self-assembled monolayers for my research. In any case, after assembling my desired system in Avogadro, I converted it to a .pdb file and then put it into pdb2gmx only to find that when I selected my desired force field it threw me a “Residue ‘UND’ not found in residue topology database” error.
I looked this error up in the GROMACS 2018 documentation, and although I now have somewhat of an idea of why this happened, I’m not entirely sure how to fix it. I find this even more puzzling because my initial system and choice of force field (AMBER99SB-ILDN) is pretty much identical to the paper I’m basing my procedure off of, and it appears to have worked for them. I’m not entirely sure what I did wrong here.
Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.