GROMACS version: 2022.5
GROMACS modification: No
Here post your question
Dear GROMACS community,
I need to perform umbrella sampling simulations. For generation of the umbrella sampling windows, I would like to use the “colvars” module, which, according to the documentation (, can be used in gromacs.
Following the procedures described in this manual, I launch the following command:
gmx mdrun -s prod_Q1M_pull_008.tpr -deffnm md -colvars distPull.dat
where “distPull.dat” is the file specifying the collective variables.
However, the command above shows “invalid command line options”.
Can you please let me know how can I properly launch the “colvar” module? Does it need to be manually activated, in order to make it work?
Your help will be much appreciated.
Best regards,