Density of toluene is not getting equilibrated during NPT equilibration

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Dear GROMACS users,

I have been trying to equilibrate 240 molecules of toluene in a simulation box with dimensions 3.3 x 3.3 x 3.9 nm. After 160 ns of NPT equilibration, I did not achieve the target average pressure of 1 bar (the measured pressure was -0.173205 bar), and the averaged density was 953.738 kg/m³, whereas the actual density of toluene is 867 kg/m³.

In an attempt to resolve this, I repeated the procedure with a reduced number of toluene molecules, but the density still could not be optimized. I also tried using the united atom model, but the average density remained high at 949 kg/m³.

I am attaching a link to the box details, as well as the npt.mdp and npt.log files for both all-atom and united atom models of toluene. I would appreciate any guidance on how to resolve this issue and achieve the correct density.

Thank you for your assistance.

Which forcefield are you using? Also, how did you get the 240 molecules? Does the value translate to 953 kg/m3 for a simulation box with dimensions 3.3 x 3.3 x 3.9 nm?

what is the compressiblity you used? the files are not accessbile

Dear @scinikhil,

Thank you for your response. I apologize for the mistake in my previous message. The files are now accessible.

Regarding your question about the compressibility used, I used a compressibility value of 4.5e-5.

Thank you for your understanding.

Dear @Teslim, Thank you for your reply. I have used Gromos 54a7 forcefield. The number of molecules I have calculated from the density of the molecule (867 kg/m3)and volume of box 3.3x3.3x3.9 nm3