GROMACS version: 2018
GROMACS modification: No
Hi all,
I am trying to run MD simulations of dodecane and currently I’m comparing topologies generated by LigParGen and x2top (given the .gro file generated from the dodecane SMILES provided to LigParGen). I am having a few difficulties.
Firstly, there is a small net charge on the topology generated by LigParGen which for some reason has the charge to 4 decimal places whilst the charge from x2top is less precise and sums to zero as expected. I assume I can use the x2top charges in the LigParGen topology? I know the charge needs to be corrected to net zero, is this an acceptable method by anyone’s experience?
My second issue I’m more confused about. I am getting quite difference bonded, dihedral and angle parameters from both methods. For example, from LigParGen in the bonds section:
[ bonds ]
2 1 1 0.1529 224262.400
and the x2top:
[ bonds ]
; ai aj funct c0 c1 c2 c3
1 2 1 1.520000e-01 4.000000e+05 1.520000e-01 4.000000e+05
so the b is similar but force constant is almost two times higher? I think these should be the same units as well?
and the angles (same order):
[ angles ]
; ai aj ak funct c0 c1 c2 c3
1 2 3 1 112.700 488.273
[ angles ]
1 2 3 1 1.110000e+02 4.000000e+02 1.110000e+02 4.000000e+02
Actually, in the angles section, c1 is always 400 for x2top but for LigParGen it varies between 276.144 and 488.273.
Has anyone else experienced similar/ have an explanation for this behaviour. It was my understanding that I’m using OPLS-AA in both cases so why such a large discrepancy?