Error cMake command line

GROMACS version: 2024.1
GROMACS modification: Yes/No
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Hello, I have a problem when installing GROMACS at the “cmake … -DGMX_BUILD_OWN_FFTW=ON -DREGRESSIONTEST_DOWNLOAD=ON” command

It shows a long list of errors

Thus, I am hoping to get some feedback. Thank you

Hi wkh.

Two things.

  1. Housekeeping.

Consider keeping your code where people would expect to find it. For example, here


which is better than

  1. Storage availability.

Check whether or not you have run out out space.

df -h

Also, please post copy/paste of text rather than screenshots. Images are not searchable in this forum yet.

I would like to help you better by highlighting some fragments of the error that you got but I can’t do that from a screenshot. It’s not copy-pasteable.


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