Error in h-bond file (hbond.xvg) in Gromacs 2023 version

GROMACS version: 2023
GROMACS modification: Yes/No
During h-bond analysis of my protein, gmx hbond generates the respective .xvg file (hbond.xvg). But when I open in text editor it shows like this:

-1.19239e-07 -1275066288 -1275066288
4.57314e-41 32635 32635
-1.19239e-07 -1275066288 -1275066288
4.57314e-41 32635 32635
-1.20992e-07 -1274793056 -1274743888
4.57314e-41 32635 32635
-1.20992e-07 -1274793056 -1274743888
4.57314e-41 32635 32635
2.38221e-44 9470 9531
2.8026e-45 11483 8131
3.36312e-44 4256 9226
0 9366 9156
0 11639 7978
1.4013e-45 4081 9324
1.12104e-44 9385 8889
3.36312e-44 11639 7794
1.4013e-45 4081 9194
3.36312e-44 9385 9225
But same input file working fine in the lower version.
I have used the following command and select Group 1 for Protein
gmx hbond -f md_0_1_noPBC.xtc -s md_0_1.tpr -num hbond.xvg
Someone please help me to solve this issue.
Processing: hbond.xvg…

Processing: hbond.xvg…

Thank you. See this discussion:

Kind regards

Dear madam,
I did not find any solved issue of my gmx hbond problem. could you please help me?
Kind Regards,

There are memory issues in the 2023 and 2023.1 version of gmx hbond. This will be fixed in 2023.2.


ok. Thank you for this information.