Error in Installation of gromacs

GROMACS version: gromacs-2021.1
GROMACS modification: Yes/No

Dear all
I am trying to install gromacs, While running the make command, It stops by this error, Error is “Failed to connect to”.

Even tried to access through browser, site is not connecting. How to fix this error.


it’s possible that the site which distributes the FFTW library was temporarily unavailable – I can reach it now, so you might want to try again.

In case you still cannot connect to it you can remove -DGMX_BUILD_OWN_FFTW=on from your cmake command, or set it to =off. You will then either need to have an FFTW library installed on your machine, or use a slower library that Gromacs is bundled with called fftpack.

See this section of the installation guide for more information on how to proceed: Fast Fourier Transform library
