I am pasting the script
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
Utility tool to convert xpm files generated by GROMACS to a 3-column text file.
USAGE = “USAGE: xpm2txt.py -f -o [-s]\n”
USAGE+= “Options:\n”
USAGE+= “\t-s\t(int)\tSorts the output by a given column”
USAGE+= “\n” # always keep this line
Parse arguments
read_input, read_output, sort = False, False, False
xpm_file, out_file, column_sort = None, None, None
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
if read_input:
read_input = False
xpm_file = arg
elif read_output:
read_output = False
out_file = arg
elif sort:
sort = False
column_sort = int(arg)
if arg[0] == “-”:
if arg == “-f”:
read_input = True
elif arg == “-o”:
read_output = True
elif arg == “-s”:
sort = True
print (USAGE)
sys.stderr.write(‘ERROR: Option not recognized: %s\n’ %arg)
if not xpm_file:
print (USAGE)
sys.stderr.write(‘ERROR: You forgot to provide an input file.\n’)
if not out_file:
out_file = “out.txt”
Parse XPM file
xpm_handle = open(xpm_file)
xpm_data =
x_axis, y_axis = ,
letter_to_value = {}
for line in xpm_handle:
if line.startswith(“/* x-axis”):
x_axis = map(float, line.split()[2:-2]) # We trim the last value
if line.startswith("/* y-axis"):
y_axis = map(float, line.split()[2:-2]) # We trim the last value
if line.startswith('"') and x_axis and y_axis: # Read data
xpm_data.insert(0, line.strip().strip(',')[1:-1])
if line.startswith('"') and len(line.split()) > 4:
letter = line.split()[0][1:]
value = float(line.split()[-2][1:-1])
letter_to_value[letter] = value
Match x/y/data
txt_values =
for y_index, data_value in enumerate(xpm_data):
y_value = y_axis[y_index]
for x_index, x_value in enumerate(x_axis):
txt_values.append([x_value, y_value, letter_to_value[data_value[x_index]]])
Apply sorting if requested
if column_sort:
txt_values.sort(key=lambda x: x[column_sort-1])
except IndexError:
print (USAGE)
sys.stderr.write(‘ERROR: Column not found (%s)\n’ %(column_sort))
Print to file
out_handle = open(out_file, ‘w’)
for x, y, z in txt_values:
out_handle.write(“%3.5f\t%3.5f\t%3.5f\n” %(x,y,z))