GROMACS version: 2023.5
GROMACS modification: No
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Hello guys, I tried to extend the running time of umbrella sampling from previous runs by using the -cpi -nstep option of mdrun, some weird results showed up
Program: gmx mdrun, version 2023.5
Source file: src/gromacs/mdrunutility/handlerestart.cpp (line 195)
Function: void gmx::{anonymous}::throwBecauseOfMissingOutputFiles(const std::filesystem::__cxx11::path&, gmx::ArrayRef<const gmx_file_position_t>, int, const t_filenm*, size_t)
Inconsistency in user input:
Some output files listed in the checkpoint file umbrella105.cpt are not
present or not named as the output files by the current program:)
Expected output files that are present:
Expected output files that are not present or named differently:
It appears that pull output files were not found. It is known that using gmx
mdrun -deffnm test with pulling and later gmx mdrun -deffnm test -cpi will
fail to consider the changed default filename when checking the pull output
files for restarting with appending. You may be able to work around this by
using a command like gmx mdrun -deffnm test -px test_pullx -pf test_pullf
To keep your simulation files safe, this simulation will not restart. Either
name your output files exactly the same as the previous simulation part (e.g.
with -deffnm or explicit naming), or make sure all the output files are
present (e.g. run from the same directory as the previous simulation part), or
instruct mdrun to write new output files with mdrun -noappend. In the last
case, you will not be able to use appending in future for this simulation.
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
website at
It said that file “umbrella105_pullx.xvg and umbrella105_pullf.xvg are not present”, but it did exist:
ls umbrella105*
umbrella105.cpt umbrella105.edr umbrella105.gro umbrella105.log umbrella105_pullf.xvg umbrella105_pullx.xvg umbrella105.tpr umbrella105.xtc
Still, I was able to overcome this problem using the method suggested in the error message by using the following command:
gmx mdrun -deffnm umbrella105 -px umbrella105_pullx -pf umbrella105_pullf -cpi -nsteps 50000 -update gpu -pme gpu -nb gpu
Does anyone know what the error message mean??