GROMACS version: 2021.5
GROMACS modification: No
I am using gmx mindist to measure coarse grained structures with the solvent removed. I am also measuring the same trajectories with the structures reduced to either main- or side-chain representation. All of these measurements I am making at a few different concentrations. Here is what my usual invocation looks like:
gmx mindist -f vmd/2cg128_0ns-end.gro -s cg128/cg128-10/table.tpr -n cg128/cg128-10/index.ndx -on agg/contacts_2cg128_0ns-end_rc1.2.xvg -d 1.2
The execution freezes while reading some input structure files, i.e. the output prints "Reading frame 0 time 0.000"
but never advances.
Changing the cutoff radius between 0.6 and 1.2 does not seem to fix this problem for a given file. The problem also does not seem related to particle counts or file size. On that note all trajectories are less than 1GB, and I think should easily fit in memory. My .gro files appear correct even for problem structures.
Any advice on this? I wonder if there’s a tpr issue I’m missing, but again for some files the calculations complete without any trouble.
Thanks for reading!