Dear gromacs users,
I am asking a question that must have been asked in multiple occasions, but I still could not understand the entire thing very clearly. I would like to understand the optimum way of including the parameters of a new molecule in gromacs topology files.
For example: simulating a protein and a ligand using charmm36 forcefield.
System preparation: I have separately prepared the topologies of the protein in water+ions and ligand in water+ions using other softwares such as the charmm-gui webserver. Next I insert ligands to the solvated protein box using gmx insert-molecules by replacing some of the water molecules.
Protein solvated topology: Now I have a forcefield.itp file for the protein containing only the forcefield combination rules, pair-formation rule, fudgLJ and fudgeQQ parameters along with the necessary atomtypes, bondtypes, dihedraltypes, pairtypes, angletypes that are present in the protein, water and ions only. Separate itp files for water, protein and ions. This forcefield.itp file is not a general file like we typically find inside gromacs/share/gromacs/top/charmm36 or any other default forcefield directories when gromacs is installed as that file contains all possible charmm36 parameters. But the one generated from charmm-gui or any other resource usually contains only necessary parameters for the molecule of interest.
Ligand topology: For ligand also, another forcefield.itp file containing the comb-rule, gen-pair, fudge parameters etc. along with the atomtypes, bondtypes, angletypes for the ligand only. Again this file is also specific to the ligand atoms only, not a generic forcefield file that are present when we install gromacs software.
Incorporating ligand topologies in the solvated protein topology:
For this I simply add two additional #include statements to include the ligand forcefield.itp file (we will have to comment out gen-pair, comb-rule etc. as that will already be present in the solvated protein+water+ions forcefield.itp file) and the ligand itp file containing the atoms, bonds, angles for the ligand.
Now sometime I have seen same atomtypes might be defined in the protein forcefield files as well as in the ligand forcefield files, and then if the parameters are identical, one can use -maxwarn flag to ignore the warning during gmx grompp.
This is a procedure that I am planning to follow, but I would like to understand if this procedure is fine or some other procedure might be followed or there are some issues with this procedure.
Any help would be much appreciated and I think this is a topic that is still not very clear for a lot of gromacs users. Thanks in advance.