GROMACS version: 2021.1
GROMACS modification: No
Hello, After finishing 300-ns production MD, I want to make a scatter figure for first 2 components for both wild-type (WT) and mutant (MUT) protein structures. Importantly, I want to put them together in order to compare how different betwenn WT and MUT structures in the 2d PCA.
What I did is listed below:
For WT, in the WT folder:
echo 3 1 | gmx trjconv -s md_300ns.tpr -f md_300ns_noPBC.xtc -fit rot+trans -o mdfit.xtc
echo 3 3 | gmx covar -s md_300ns.gro -f mdfit.xtc -o eigenvalues.xvg -v eigenvectors.trr -xpma covapic.xpm
echo 3 3 | gmx anaeig -s md_300ns.gro -f mdfit.xtc -v eigenvectors.trr -first 1 -last 2 -2d 2d_WT.xvg
For MUT, in the MUT folder:
echo 3 1 | gmx trjconv -s md_300ns.tpr -f md_300ns_noPBC.xtc -fit rot+trans -o mdfit.xtc
echo 3 3 | gmx covar -s md_300ns.gro -f mdfit.xtc -o eigenvalues.xvg -v eigenvectors.trr -xpma covapic.xpm
echo 3 3 | gmx anaeig -s md_300ns.gro -f mdfit.xtc -v eigenvectors.trr -first 1 -last 2 -2d 2d_MUT.xvg
Then, I can obtain 2 files: 2d_WT.xvg and 2d_MUT.xvg. I exported these 2 xvg files into Excel and after removing the header comments, I can make scatter figure for each of them like below.
It is ok for individual 2d PCA plot, but I want to know how to put them together in one figure like this below one:
What is the proper way to get this? Is it ok just simply putting the MUT points into WT figure?
Thanks for your help.