We have 3 post-doctoral positions for working with Molecular Dynamics Simulations in the University of Campinas (Brazil), at the Institute of Chemistry and Center for Computational Engineering and Sciences (http://cces.unicamp.br), financed by the São Paulo Research Foundation (Fapesp).
2 post-doctoral positions to work with the deconstruction of lignocellulosic materials and enzymes relevant to the human gut microbiome. See: Bolsas de PD em Dinâmica Molecular de Proteínas - Fapesp Oportunidades
1 position to work with: solvent effects on processes such as folding, aggregation, ligand interactions, and catalytic activity of enzymes. See: https://fapesp.br/oportunidades/centro_para_computacao_em_engenharia_e_ciencias_(cces)/6285/
Submissions are accepted until the end of August, as described in the links.