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I am working on coarse grain martini protein simulation. I want to set box shape as orthorhombic but this command is not working : gmx editconf -f Protein_A-CG.pdb -o Protein_A-CG.gro -c -bt orthorhombic. Apart from that, the box dimension is changing throughout the simulation: Initial Box dimension: 76.196 76.196 76.196. * Energy Minimization (em.gro): 11.04000 10.86030 11.10520
NVT Equilibration (nvt.gro): 11.04000 10.86030 11.10520
NPT Equilibration (npt.gro): 10.14378 9.97867 10.20369
MD Production Run (md.gro): 10.34668 10.17827 10.40779
Infact initially only the output file of Protein_A-CG.gro the box dimension changes. Can you suggest me how should i fix both the problems 1) orthrhombic 2) Changing of box size throughout the simulation.