GROMACS version: 5.1.4
GROMACS modification: Yes/No
Dear all,
I have calculated the spatial distribution function through gmx spatial command through following steps:
gmx make_ndx -s a.tpr -o ou.ndx
here ou.ndx contain the urea atoms within 0.5 nm of protein and second group is protein
gmx trjconv -f a.xtc -s a.tpr -boxcenter tric -pbc none -ur compact -o b.xtc
select 0 for system trjconv -f b.xtc -s a.tpr -fit rot+trans -o c.xtc
select 4 (backbone) for fit and output 0 for system
gmx spatial -f c.xtc -s a.tpr -nab 50 -bin 0.1 -n ou.ndx
and select urea atoms for sdf and protein for output coordinates
but when we upload the grid.cube file in vmd as isosurface it gives output like big spehre type
Any body can help me regarding this
This result might be expected if urea is to move freely around the protein - then you might get a smoothened 0.5nm shell around the protein, which might look very much just like a big sphere.
To see more fine details, you could try to use differnet thresholds for displaying your isosurface with vmd as described here.
I’m with the same issue. I think that perhaps must set the reference molecule in box center with the command trjorder before spatial. Would anybody know how to use the command trjorder for fit reference molecule?
@ashkhan I have a problem regarding indexing that you seem to have done " urea atoms within 0.5 nm of protein" . Could you please tell how you did that. I will be thankful for your answer.