I am trying to use the -surf option in gmx rdf in order to compute the rdf of certain molecules from the surface of my reference molecule (nearest atoms).
My script is:
gmx rdf -s tpr.tpr -ref ‘resname URA’ -sel ‘resname OCS’ -f xtc.xtc -surf mol -seltype whole_mol_com -bin 0.03
Unfortunately, I get the following error:
“Inconsistency in user input:
-surf only works with -ref that consists of atoms”
Obviously my molecule consists of atoms. And different scripts that don’t have the -surf flag work perfectly fine.
Anyone has an idea what is the problem?
Here are things I’ve tried but didn’t change the error:
I tried adding -selrpos whole_mol_com, same error.
I tried changing the molecules that I put under “resname X” but for any X it’s the same error.
I tried changing the order in which all my flags appear.
I tried doing -surf mol and -surf res.
I tried running this script on different gromacs versions.
Thank you for your reply.
Once I removed the -seltype flag, it works.
Thanks for your help.
I don’t know how you knew that was the issue. I read the documentation several times before. But the COM restrictions for -surf flag are only written for the -ref flag, not the -sel flag.
For -surf , the selection provided to -ref must select atoms, i.e., centers of mass are not supported. Further, -nonorm is implied, as the bins have irregular shapes and the volume of a bin is not easily computable.
none : Use only the first factor. In this case, the RDF is only scaled with the bin width to make the integral of the curve represent the number of pairs within a range.
I knew that because I had already done that once ago, when I was trying different options to see what would be the outcome.
In fact, as far as I remember, the error you informed was the same I had gotten previously. That’s why I knew what to do. :)
@Dr_DBW@MarceloAlbuquerque So what is the point of RDF with the -surf flag if it’s not normalized?
What information does it give me?
The -norm flag doesn’t work with -surf.
My TST is just one molecule and RER is the solvent, so plenty of RER.