GROMACS version: 2019.3
GROMACS modification: No
Sometimes I get the following affinity errors, what is the problem? Gromacs compiled with OpenMPI and gcc, with CUDA support.
mpirun -np $NTASKS --map-by ppr:$PPN:node gmx_mpi mdrun -s topol.tpr -resethway -noconfout -nsteps 10000 -v -pin on -nb gpu -pme cpu
NOTE: In MPI process #12: Affinity setting for 8/8 threads failed.
NOTE: In MPI process #14: Affinity setting for 8/8 threads failed.
NOTE: In MPI process #26: Affinity setting for 8/8 threads failed.
NOTE: In MPI process #28: Affinity setting for 8/8 threads failed.
NOTE: In MPI process #29: Affinity setting for 8/8 threads failed.
NOTE: In MPI process #9: Affinity setting for 8/8 threads failed.
NOTE: In MPI process #30: Affinity setting for 8/8 threads failed.
NOTE: Thread affinity was not set.
When this happens, runtime is obviously much longer. Is this a known bug? Any idea how to overcome this problem?