GROMACS version: 2023.4
GROMACS modification: No
Good morrow everyone!
I have been trying to generate an itp file for a coarse grained protein I converted using Charmm-Gui, and to do so I have been attempting to use pdb2gmx with the martini3 force field. I did not use Martinize2 on account of some elements of my protein structure being incompatible.
For the life of me I cannot get pdb2gmx to recognize the martini3 force field in the directory. I am using the version found here: Particle definitions – Martini Force Field Initiative . I have attempted using the whole package, just the force field file, and some combination of the two and it just won’t recognize the force field. I have also tried naming the folder both martini3001 or martini3001.ff and both fail. Any assistance in this issue would be appreciated.