GROMACS version: 2019.4
GROMACS modification: Yes (plumed patched)
I am runing a replica exchange with plumed. This simulation was running in a cluster and I moved it to a cluster with a different architecture, but the same Gromacs version.
When the simulations starts it prints:
Not all bonded interactions have been properly assigned to the domain decomposition cells
A list of missing interactions:
Bond of 257 missing 9
Angle of 924 missing 37
Proper Dih. of 1451 missing 83
Improper Dih. of 291 missing 23
LJ-14 of 1345 missing 43
Back Off! I just backed up dd_dump_err_0_n1.pdb to ./#dd_dump_err_0_n1.pdb.1#
But the simulations continues without crashing. Is there something I can do to solve this problem? How does it affect the results?
Thanks for your time.