GROMACS version:2023.3
GROMACS modification: No
I am looking for some help on following pmx tutorial.
[Protein mutation — pmx documentation](https://pmx tutorial site)
(i do not have older python so I used web_pmx) While
gmx grompp -f genion.mdp -c water.pdb -p -o genion.tpr -maxwarn 2
where I ignore the mismatch. The warning look like this.
"atom name 13 in and water.pdb does not match (HD21 - 1HD2)
atom name 13 in and water.pdb does not match (HD21 - 1HD2) etc
I believe it run minimization successfully. However, at equilibration with position restraints, I have some trouble.
I copied enmin.gro to restraint.gro and run
‘gmx grompp -f f_npt.mdp -c enmin.gro -p …/…/ -o npt.tpr -maxwarn 1’
I got WARNING 1 about barostat,
"WARNING 2 [file hybrid_posre.itp, line 48]:
Some parameters for bonded interaction involving perturbed atoms are
specified explicitly in state A, but not B - copying A to B
"WARNING 3 [file, line 15]:
The bond in molecule-type Protein_chain_A between atoms 117 DCD1 and 121
DCE1 has an estimated oscillational period of 7.1e-03 ps, which is less
than 5 times the time step of 2.0e-03 ps.
Maybe you forgot to change the constraints mdp option.
Analysing residue names:
There are: 20 Protein residues
There are: 1863 Water residues
There are: 11 Ion residues
Should I ignore warning #2? Thank you very much.