GROMACS version:2020
GROMACS modification: Yes/No
I applied md simulation 100ns on my dna-ligand simulation has finished successfully for 100ns for RMSD analyze My graph is below
Sir,I read it how to extend my jobs
I want to run more 50 ns so,
$gmx convert-tpr -s step5.tpr -extend 50000 -o step5_1.tpr then,in order to run slurm I wrote
mpirun -np 40 /truba/sw/centos7.3/app/gromacs/2020-impi-mkl-PS2018-GOLD/bin/gmx_mpi mdrun $ntmpi -ntomp $ntomp -v -s -deffnm step5_1 -cpi step5.cpt -no append but İt has fail so could you help me how to fix it ?
This is a generic MPI failure message. There should be a GROMACS-specific error in the .log file. But in any case, it is not my suggestion to omit -noappend, in fact the opposite. You probably should be using it, and just assemble your files later. There are often issues with appending.