GROMACS version:2018
GROMACS modification: No
Dear members of the community,
I am a newbie user of GROMACS, so, please, forgive me if my questions sound obvious.
I would like to run a test MD simulation for a molecule of methyl-triphosphate, but I have a few doubts concerning the topology file I produced.
At the top of the file, I defined the [ default ] section, where I chose the Lennard-Jones potential with geometric combination rules for both epsilon and sigma and I selected the scaling option for the 1-4 interaction as well as the values of scaling factors.
[ defaults ]
; nbfunc comb-rule(both geometric) gen-pairs(1-4 scaling) fudgeLJ fudgeQQ
1 3 yes 0.5 0.5
Then, I defined all the " type sections" (atomtypes, bondtypes, angletypes, dihedraltypes), where all parameters and type functions are reported.
[ atomtypes ]
;name at.ID mass charge ptype sigma eps
opls_802 O802 15.9990 0.000 A 2.90000E-01 5.85760E-01
[ bondtypes ]
; i j func b0 kb
opls_800 opls_801 1 0.1090 284512.000
[ angletypes ]
; ai aj ak funct th0 cth
opls_810 opls_813 opls_814 1 108.230 836.800
[ dihedraltypes ]
; ai aj ak al funct c1 c2 c3 c4
opls_814 opls_813 opls_810 opls_809 5 0.0000 0.0000 -0.4184 0.0000
Should I report explicitly also the [ nonbond_params ] section cointaining all LJ homo- and heteroatomic interaction parameters or are these automatically computed by GROMACS through the keywords I’ve already switched on in the [ default ] section ( I mean nbfunc = type 1 and comb-rule = type 3)?
Then, in the same file I specified the connectivity, so [ moleculetype ], [ atoms ], [ bonds ], [ angles ], [ dihedrals ] and [ pairs ] sections. In [ bonds ], [ angles ], [ dihedrals ] sections, I reported only the atom number of atoms involved.
[ bonds ]
2 1
2 5
[ angles ]
17 14 16
17 14 11
[ dihedrals ]
15 14 11 10
16 14 11 10
Should I specify again all parameters and type functions explicitly in these sections ([ bonds ], [ angles ], [ dihedrals ])? I guess not since they have been already defined in the previous “type sections” ([bondtypes], [angletypes], [dihedraltypes]).
I hope I explained myself well. Please, let know if you have any suggestions.
I would be very grateful to anyone who would help.
Thank you very much in advance for your time and your support.
Best regards,
Emma Rossi
P.S. I am sorry for copying and pasting a few lines of the top.file in the chat, but I was not able to attach the document.