GROMACS version: 2019.4
GROMACS modification: Yes (with MPI)
I was hoping to get some help on the gmx cluster command. When I use the -s struct.pdb flag, no matter what reference frame I input, I get the same RMSD distribution. As a sanity check, I looked at the RMSD distribution (RMSD vs. time) on VMD, and the RMSD distribution did not really correlate with what I saw in my gmx cluster output. Here is a sample of my gmx cluster command:
gmx_mpi cluster -f ./trajectory.xtc -s ./ref-struct.gro -dist ./somefolder/rmsd-distribution.xvg -o ./somefolder/clusters.xpm -sz ./somefolder/cluster-sizes.xvg -tr ./somefolder/cluster-transitions.xpm -ntr ./somefolder/cluster-transitions.xvg -clid ./somefolder/cluster-id-over-time.xvg -cl ./somefolder/clusters.pdb -cutoff 0.25 -method gromos -n …/…/index.ndx -skip 10 -b 0 -e 153200
Am I misinterpreting what -dist is supposed to output? To me, it makes more sense that by changing my reference structure, ref-struct.gro, the RMSD distribution should also change.