GMX hbond generating weird result

GROMACS version:
GROMACS modification: Yes/No

I have run 100ns protein-ligand simulation. However, the gmx hbond function gave a very weird result,

command: gmx hbond -f md_0_100_center.xtc -s md_0_100.tpr -tu ns -g hbond.log -num hbnum.xvg

:-) GROMACS - gmx hbond, 2023 (-:

Executable: /home/adglab/Desktop/GROMACS/gromacs-2023/build/bin/gmx
Data prefix: /home/adglab/Desktop/GROMACS/gromacs-2023 (source tree)
Working dir: /home/adglab/Gromacs_trial_run/Analysis/H-bond_100ns
Command line:
gmx hbond -f md_0_100_center.xtc -s md_0_100.tpr -tu ns -g hbond.log -num hbnum.xvg

Reading file md_0_100.tpr, VERSION 2023 (single precision)
Specify 2 groups to analyze:
Group 0 ( System) has 54575 elements
Group 1 ( Protein) has 5570 elements
Group 2 ( Protein-H) has 2765 elements
Group 3 ( C-alpha) has 345 elements
Group 4 ( Backbone) has 1035 elements
Group 5 ( MainChain) has 1379 elements
Group 6 ( MainChain+Cb) has 1708 elements
Group 7 ( MainChain+H) has 1699 elements
Group 8 ( SideChain) has 3871 elements
Group 9 ( SideChain-H) has 1386 elements
Group 10 ( Prot-Masses) has 5570 elements
Group 11 ( non-Protein) has 49005 elements
Group 12 ( Other) has 34 elements
Group 13 ( LIG1) has 34 elements
Group 14 ( CL) has 8 elements
Group 15 ( Water) has 48963 elements
Group 16 ( SOL) has 48963 elements
Group 17 ( non-Water) has 5612 elements
Group 18 ( Ion) has 8 elements
Group 19 ( Water_and_ions) has 48971 elements
Select a group: 1
Selected 1: ‘Protein’
Select a group: 13
Selected 13: ‘LIG1’
Checking for overlap in atoms between Protein and LIG1
Calculating hydrogen bonds between Protein (5570 atoms) and LIG1 (34 atoms)
Found 504 donors and 979 acceptors
Reading frame 0 time 0.000
Will do grid-search on 21x21x15 grid, rcut=0.34999999
Frame loop parallelized with OpenMP using 48 threads.
Last frame 10000 time 100.000

Back Off! I just backed up hbnum.xvg to ./#hbnum.xvg.1#
Average number of hbonds per timeframe -832023.980 out of 246708 possible

GROMACS reminds you: “UNIX is basically a simple operating system. It just takes a genius to understand its simplicity.” (Dennis Ritchie)

While, I analysed the H-bonds using VMD, which gives a nice plot like this,

, using the same files (gro and xtc files in this case).

Any explanation what might have gone wrong in my case?
My simulation stopped at 97.78 ns due to power cut, which I resumed later on by adding -cpi to this, “gmx mdrun -deffnm md_0_100” command. Is this why the problem is appearing?
Same tpr and xtc file I have used to generate RMSD and RMSF plot, which ran successfully and have the desired patterns.

I have previously run a 2ns trial run, for which there was no problem as such. This is the same protein-ligand molecule I’m running, just for a higher time duration.

GROMACS version is:
:-) GROMACS - gmx, 2023 (-:

Executable: /home/adglab/Desktop/GROMACS/gromacs-2023/build/bin/gmx
Data prefix: /home/adglab/Desktop/GROMACS/gromacs-2023 (source tree)
Working dir: /home/adglab/Gromacs_trial_run/Analysis/H-bond_100ns
Command line:
gmx --version

GROMACS version: 2023
Precision: mixed
Memory model: 64 bit
MPI library: thread_mpi
OpenMP support: enabled (GMX_OPENMP_MAX_THREADS = 128)
GPU support: CUDA
NB cluster size: 8
SIMD instructions: AVX_512
CPU FFT library: fftw-3.3.10-sse2-avx
GPU FFT library: cuFFT
Multi-GPU FFT: none
RDTSCP usage: enabled
TNG support: enabled
Hwloc support: disabled
Tracing support: disabled
C compiler: /usr/bin/cc GNU 13.3.0
C compiler flags: -fexcess-precision=fast -funroll-all-loops -mavx512f -mfma -mavx512vl -mavx512dq -mavx512bw -Wno-missing-field-initializers -O3 -DNDEBUG
C++ compiler: /usr/bin/c++ GNU 13.3.0
C++ compiler flags: -fexcess-precision=fast -funroll-all-loops -mavx512f -mfma -mavx512vl -mavx512dq -mavx512bw -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-cast-function-type-strict SHELL:-fopenmp -O3 -DNDEBUG
BLAS library:
LAPACK library:
CUDA compiler: /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver;Copyright (c) 2005-2024 NVIDIA Corporation;Built on Tue_Oct_29_23:50:19_PDT_2024;Cuda compilation tools, release 12.6, V12.6.85;Build cuda_12.6.r12.6/compiler.35059454_0
CUDA compiler flags:-std=c++17;–generate-code=arch=compute_50,code=sm_50;–generate-code=arch=compute_52,code=sm_52;–generate-code=arch=compute_60,code=sm_60;–generate-code=arch=compute_61,code=sm_61;–generate-code=arch=compute_70,code=sm_70;–generate-code=arch=compute_75,code=sm_75;–generate-code=arch=compute_80,code=sm_80;–generate-code=arch=compute_86,code=sm_86;–generate-code=arch=compute_89,code=sm_89;–generate-code=arch=compute_90,code=sm_90;-Wno-deprecated-gpu-targets;–generate-code=arch=compute_53,code=sm_53;–generate-code=arch=compute_80,code=sm_80;-use_fast_math;-Xptxas;-warn-double-usage;-Xptxas;-Werror;-D_FORCE_INLINES;-fexcess-precision=fast -funroll-all-loops -mavx512f -mfma -mavx512vl -mavx512dq -mavx512bw -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-cast-function-type-strict SHELL:-fopenmp -O3 -DNDEBUG
CUDA driver: 0.0
CUDA runtime: 12.60

GROMACS modifications: No

Nothing, judging by this output. Hydrogen bonds are a discrete quantity so they take only integer values. It looks strange to plot them in XmGrace with a line connecting the points, but if you remove the line and just plot the data points, it makes a lot more sense (visually).

But doesn’t it seem suspicious that average number of hydrogen bonds per timeframe is negative?
I never got average hydrogen bonds in negative for the same pair of protein-ligand. It is a well-known inhibitor for this protein (GSK3β in this case), which has been shown to form at least 3 hydrogen bonds when bound to the active site of this protein.

Also, when I’m trying to generate the hbmap.xpm file using “-hbm” flag, it gives some error.
Command line:
gmx hbond -s md_0_100.tpr -f md_0_100_center.xtc -hbn hbond.ndx -hbm hbmap.xpm

Reading file md_0_100.tpr, VERSION 2023 (single precision)
Specify 2 groups to analyze:
Group 0 ( System) has 54575 elements
Group 1 ( Protein) has 5570 elements
Group 2 ( Protein-H) has 2765 elements
Group 3 ( C-alpha) has 345 elements
Group 4 ( Backbone) has 1035 elements
Group 5 ( MainChain) has 1379 elements
Group 6 ( MainChain+Cb) has 1708 elements
Group 7 ( MainChain+H) has 1699 elements
Group 8 ( SideChain) has 3871 elements
Group 9 ( SideChain-H) has 1386 elements
Group 10 ( Prot-Masses) has 5570 elements
Group 11 ( non-Protein) has 49005 elements
Group 12 ( Other) has 34 elements
Group 13 ( LIG1) has 34 elements
Group 14 ( CL) has 8 elements
Group 15 ( Water) has 48963 elements
Group 16 ( SOL) has 48963 elements
Group 17 ( non-Water) has 5612 elements
Group 18 ( Ion) has 8 elements
Group 19 ( Water_and_ions) has 48971 elements
Select a group: 1
Selected 1: ‘Protein’
Select a group: 13
Selected 13: ‘LIG1’
Checking for overlap in atoms between Protein and LIG1
Calculating hydrogen bonds between Protein (5570 atoms) and LIG1 (34 atoms)
Found 504 donors and 979 acceptors
Making hbmap structure…done.
Reading frame 0 time 0.000
Will do grid-search on 21x21x15 grid, rcut=0.34999999
Frame loop parallelized with OpenMP using 48 threads.
Last frame 10000 time 100000.000
Found 35 different hydrogen bonds in trajectory
Found 59 different atom-pairs within hydrogen bonding distance
Merging hbonds with Acceptor and Donor swapped
233/504Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Something seems buggy. Can you try version 2024.4?