I think decreasing the time step is easy to do in Gromacs, but how about turning off the bond constraint? Do I need to modify the topology file? Or should I set the constraints=none in mdp file?
The use of bond constraints is linked to the force field one use. If the force field required for time-step 0.002 ps constraints on the hydrogen atoms. One can not remove the constraints on bond involving hydrogen, since that can make the simulation inaccurate and sometimes even unstable.
I know this is long ago but i was wondering what you eventually did and what was your experience. (I am also uncertain on what i should do)
From my understanding, TI was used in the methodology of GAFF2. This was to compare solvation free energy (with GAFF2 VDW+partial charges) to experimental values. With the use of TI, SHAKE was disabled and a smaller time step was used to ensure accurate integration.
Now in order to conduct a normal MD, not TI, i believe we should turn off bond constraint and just use a time step of 1fs like they did but its possible that a smaller time step might even be needed. (i am sort of thinking that lambda = 0 is the same as our system). This would be opposite to normal MD protocols that i know of that uses 2fs with constraint algorithms on hydrogens only.
I just learnt about TI so i might have some errors in my understanding so please feel free to correct me if im wrong