But even when I set “-d 10.0”, the problem still exists with other residues belong to the ligand so I believe there is a systematic problem with the ligand.
Also, if I set “-d 10.0” and change the rlist = rcoulomb = rvdw = 13 in the em.mdp file. It can run but still
“Steepest Descents:
Tolerance (Fmax) = 1.00000e+03
Number of steps = 500000
I used CGENFF to generate the “Ligand.str file”. It works well in other cases (protein in complex with or without ligand". Also, I view the complex structure with Pymol and Discovery Studio 2021 but do not realize any abnormal sign of the complex, or it is because I do not know how to view correctly to identify errors.
My guess is that a molecule is broken over periodic boundaries in your initial structure. Did you look at the coordinates of atoms 1874 and 1900 in your structure file before increasing the box size?
As all the residues related to this kind of error are Ligand’s residue, and I believe there was a problem with my Ligand files as it is broken when I combined the protein topology file and the ligand topology file.
Dear hess,
The MD Simulation is running now and I did not face any problems throughout the whole process.
I want to share my procedure so I can hear your advice,
After using Open Babel to add Hydrogens (make explicit) and get the mol2.file
I run this script to fix the mol2.file:
perl sort_mol2_bonds.pl Ligand.mol2 Ligand.mol2
Then I slightly adjust the Ligand_fix.mol2 file
The point is the Ligand_fix.mol2 file and names in red, if I keep the name “Ligand” then run CGENFF to obtain the ligand_ini.pdb file, the molecules will be broken
As I am an amateur in this field, can you illustrate the reason for this phenomenon.
In addition, for the nvt.mdp and npt.mdp file, I keep pcoupl = C-rescale in the section “Pressure coupling” recommendation from GROMACS but the pressure coupling in the md.mdp file is Parrinello-Rahman and it still run normally without any Warning, then how does this affect the result?
PDB files only permit a maximum of 4 characters in the residue name. Anything longer will result in the coordinate fields being shifted and therefore incorrectly interpreted. I thought we had fixed this in the conversion script but apparently not.