GROMACS version: 2023.1
GROMACS modification: Yes/No
I am performing MD simulation of a pure 500 molecules of ionic liquid. The pdb files of the cation and anion are written separately. Packmol is used to packed 500 cations and anions together in a single pdb file. The packmol pdb file was changed to .gro and then inserted into a cubic box of 1nm. Initial pdb files of cation and anion were uploaded to ATB server to obtained their all-atoms itp files which was included in the topology file, together with gromos 54a7_atb.ff.
Energy minimization was achieved but with unusual nature of potential graph. Md run of nvt do wrote unusual pdb files.The promped statements from the end of energy minimization to nvt equilibriation, together with my files are provided below:
At the end of energy minimization step
Steepest Descents converged to Fmax < 1000 in 1729 steps
Potential Energy = -4.7715419e+05
Maximum force = 9.7373108e+02 on atom 19615
Norm of force = 7.8541580e+01
Files (338 Bytes)
nvt.mdp (2.2 KB)
em.mdp (1.0 KB)
mdrun of nvt prompt this
gmx mdrun -v -deffnm nvt
Reading file nvt.tpr, VERSION 2023.1 (single precision)
Changing nstlist from 10 to 100, rlist from 1 to 1.029
Using 1 MPI thread
Using 4 OpenMP threads
starting mdrun ‘pure ionic liquid’
50000 steps, 100.0 ps.
step 0
Step 2, time 0.004 (ps) LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
rms 0.000110, max 0.010312 (between atoms 10446 and 10447)
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
atom 1 atom 2 angle previous, current, constraint length
10446 10447 38.0 0.1121 0.1132 0.1120
10446 10448 39.3 0.1121 0.1131 0.1120
Step 3, time 0.006 (ps) LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
rms 0.000028, max 0.002499 (between atoms 10446 and 10447)
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
atom 1 atom 2 angle previous, current, constraint length
10446 10447 61.2 0.1132 0.1123 0.1120
10446 10448 65.7 0.1131 0.1123 0.1120
Step 4, time 0.008 (ps) LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
rms 0.038587, max 4.566490 (between atoms 10446 and 10448)
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
atom 1 atom 2 angle previous, current, constraint length
25127 25128 57.7 0.1121 0.1106 0.1120
25127 25129 51.9 0.1121 0.1104 0.1120
29654 29656 32.6 0.1090 0.1078 0.1090
29654 29657 90.0 0.1090 0.1454 0.1090
10446 10447 90.0 0.1123 0.4301 0.1120
10446 10448 90.0 0.1123 0.6234 0.1120
Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
Step 5, time 0.01 (ps) LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
rms 1.818926, max 252.313431 (between atoms 10446 and 10447)
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
atom 1 atom 2 angle previous, current, constraint length
25127 25128 90.0 0.1106 2.0233 0.1120
25127 25129 90.0 0.1104 0.2656 0.1120
29654 29656 30.1 0.1078 0.1117 0.1090
29654 29657 81.5 0.1454 0.1087 0.1090
10446 10447 90.0 0.4301 28.3711 0.1120
10446 10448 90.0 0.6234 1.1008 0.1120
10485 10486 90.0 0.1120 0.8523 0.1120
10485 10487 90.0 0.1120 2.3489 0.1120
10488 10489 90.0 0.1120 0.7347 0.1120
10488 10490 90.0 0.1120 0.4482 0.1120
Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
Step 6, time 0.012 (ps) LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
rms 2995.472168, max 405171.218750 (between atoms 29199 and 29202)
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
atom 1 atom 2 angle previous, current, constraint length
25127 25128 90.0 2.0233 33.0502 0.1120
25127 25129 90.0 0.2656 2232.0037 0.1120
25150 25152 90.0 0.1130 0.9243 0.1130
29199 29200 90.0 0.1090 1482.6108 0.1090
29199 29201 90.0 0.1090 1487.4843 0.1090
29199 29202 90.0 0.1090 44163.7695 0.1090
29654 29657 90.0 0.1087 0.1187 0.1090
10446 10447 90.0 28.3711 79.4997 0.1120
10446 10448 90.0 1.1008 8137.3271 0.1120
10443 10444 90.0 0.1120 1.3141 0.1120
10443 10445 90.0 0.1121 1.7986 0.1120
10442 10443 90.0 0.1120 1.5135 0.1120
8985 8986 90.0 0.1130 7793.2314 0.1130
8985 8987 90.0 0.1130 192.4110 0.1130
10449 10450 90.0 0.1120 2.6645 0.1120
10449 10451 90.0 0.1120 1.8408 0.1120
10482 10483 90.0 0.1130 1.7628 0.1130
10482 10484 90.0 0.1130 21.9267 0.1130
10485 10486 90.0 0.8523 42.7724 0.1120
10485 10487 90.0 2.3489 7.0602 0.1120
10472 10473 41.4 0.1120 0.1120 0.1120
10491 10492 90.0 0.1120 0.5516 0.1120
10491 10493 90.0 0.1120 0.3977 0.1120
10491 10494 90.0 0.1120 0.4314 0.1120
10488 10489 90.0 0.7347 29.3122 0.1120
10488 10490 90.0 0.4482 26.6822 0.1120
Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
The mdrun of nvt module wrote step 4b and 4c pdb files up to step 6b and 6c pdb files only.
Please, how can I rectify the system?
Thank You.