More recent benchmarks than gmxbench-3.0.tar.gz?

GROMACS version: 2019.5
GROMACS modification: No
Dear Gromacs users,
we are looking for benchmark cases to evaluate the scalability of Gromacs on a cluster with several hundreds of nodes. Our search only brought up gmxbench-3.0.tar.gz from 2015. The corresponding page referring to that tarball on seems to be obsolete. So, is there a more recent benchmark suite to evaluate Gromacs? Thank you!

Have a look here

Find a benchmarking tool here

Also, have a look at this paper that did some more extensive benchmarking with GPUs

Very serendipitous find!

Thank you!

See this benchmark archive:
(supplementary info for

Thanks @pszilard !

I’ve been looking for the STMV coordinates, parameters and job parameters for a while.