GROMACS version: 2022.4
GROMACS modification: No
I’m trying to set up a DNA simulation with Amber OL21, using the Gromacs port of the ff14sb-OL21 forcefield. But after I created the topology I got a bunch of the same error for different improper dihedrals when I try to run gmx grompp:
ERROR 1 [file, line 705]:
No default Improper Dih. types
But the weird part is that when I checked some of the dihedrals they’re defined on the ffbonded.itp file of the forcefield. and others even if you try to defined them they don’t work
For example atoms 9 11 12 23. (CT - N* - CM - C).
This dihedral exists in the ffbonded:
C CM N* CT 4 180.00 4.18400 2
But It still gives the same error, I have tried even copying and pasting this dihedral with the same atom order as it’s on the topology, but it doesn’t fix the errors.
If I try adding an improper dihedral that doesn’t seem to exist in the ffbonded.itp file, it simply doesn’t work even though the formatting is correct. I have done it multiple times with other forcefields.
If I were to change the function type 4 (which is supposed to be used for improper dihedrals) to 2 it reduces the number of errors but creates a new error
ERROR 1 [file ffbonded.itp, line 847]:
Too many parameters or not enough parameters for topology B
I’m really on a dead end right now, I’m only using the amber forcefield because it was supposed to be better for DNA.
All my pertinent files can be found in this link:
MD-FIles for DNA simulation with amber
Any help will be appreciated,
Thank you