GROMACS version: 5.0.7
GROMACS modification: No
Hi all,
Recently I started doing MD in GROMACS. I’d like to simulate a box of oxygen molecules in an NpT ensemble. In order to do so, I use the TraPPE force field from The Siepmann Group ( The implementation can be found in the attachements, see
Before starting the actual NpT simulation, I start with energy minimization followed by an NvT simulation to relax the system. After 0.5ns of NvT simulation I switch on the Berendsen barostat to pressure the system to 1.0 bar. Velocity rescaling is used as thermostat during these steps. After Berendsen (1ns) I switch to the Parrinello-Rahman barostat and the Nosé-hoover thermostat with respective typical time scales of 1ps and 0.1ps. Doing so makes the box eventually blow up. I get
“Warning: Pressure scaling more than 1%. This may mean your system is not yet equilibrated. Use of Parrinello-Rahman pressure coupling during equilibration can lead to simulation instability, and is discouraged.”
and eventually a fatal error:
“Fatal error: 3 particles communicated to PME rank 0 are more than 2/3 times the cut-off out of the domain decomposition cell of their charge group in dimension x. This usually means that your system is not well equilibrated.”
I can mitigate the blow up by increasing the time constant for the PR barostat, but it still shows fluctuations. Besides these fluctuations, the density is off by a factor of 2. Can this discrepancy be explained by incorrect time constants?
Another ‘fix’ is to use the Berendsen barostat, but this is not recommended as it does not truly simulate an NpT ensemble. It however works, although the density is again not correct. I am not sure why this is.
So to summarize, my questions are:
- What can I do to make sure that PR works with a time constant of 1ps, even after equilibration with Berendsen?
- Increasing the time constants seem to work, but what effect does it have on the ‘physical validity’ of the simulation?
- Is there an obvious reason the density in the NpT simulation with Berendsen is incorrect?
Help is very much appreciated, thanks in advance!
Files can be found on: GitHub - Stanvk/gromacs_dioxygen: Oxygen simulation in GROMACS