GROMACS version: 2023.3 with CUDA 12.3
GROMACS modification: No
I am interested in converting a standard cholesterol .pdb file into its topology file using the CHARMM36 forcefield but am facing an issue.
I downloaded the cholesterol PDB (chl1.pdb) from the CHARMM-GUI website here.
I then attempt to run the following command where I select CHARMM for the lipid and TIP3P for water.
gmx pdb2gmx -f chl1.pdb -o chl1.gro -p -i chl1.itp
However, I get this error…
Fatal error:
Residue ‘CHL’ not found in residue topology database
I believe this issue is emerging because the .pdb file has a 3-letter residue name in the 4th column (see first screenshot below), whereas lipid.rtp in the CHARMM36 forcefield uses the 4-letter identifier of “CHL1” (see second screenshot below)
How can I solve this issue? As can be seen in the .pdb screenshot, the rightmost column in the .pdb file has the correct residue name that matches that of the forcefield, but it seems that the 4th column with “CHL” is causing issues. I tried changing the 4th column from “CHL” to “CHL1” but this caused misalignment issues; I believe .pdb formatting only permits up to 3 characters in the 4th column.
Any tips would be appreciated! Thanks