Dear Gromacs users,
I am trying to perform a simulation for a protein-DNA system using GROMACS 2019 and I want to use AMBER99SB-ILDN force field. I added -NH2 to the C-terminal end of peptide. I checked aminoacids.rtp file and -NH2 option is also present. I was using pdb2gmx for generating topology and parameter file. Please see the command below:
gmx pdb2gmx -f test.pdb -o test.gro -ignh
I did not use -ter flag, as AMBER force field is not compatible with -ter option. But, pdb2gmx converted amidated C-terminus to standard C-terminus (-COO).
I am bit confused regarding this issue. Any kind of advice/ suggestions will be deeply appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Snehasis Chatterjee