hey all!
I am trying to generate my input file for CHARMM force field using CGenff website.
after using the python script :
python cgenff_charmm2gmx_py2.py lig lig.str charmm36.ff
I got the error:
Usage: RESNAME lig.mol2 lig.str charmm36.ff
this happens while my .str and .mol2 file has the exact name mentioned in the python file (i.e lig)
I would be grateful if anyone helps me.
I have no idea how the script could have given you that error. It looks for the “For use with CGenFF version” string and checks for a match against the force field. Here, both are 4.4 so there should be no issue.
Upload to Google Drive and post the link. Please make sure permissions are set correctly so that the files can be accessed by anyone with the link (not via email address).