Scaling .eps file

GROMACS version: 2018.3
GROMACS modification: No

I am trying to do DSSP analysis, and I have been manipulating .m2p file to scale the .eps file.
But the plot looks too long horizontally. I tried changing x-major and x-minor, but it only changed the value at the tick mark without reducing the gap between the ticks.

How do I reduce the overall length between the tick marks?
(Below is a sample .m2p file)

; Matrix options
titlefont = Helvetica ; Matrix title Postscript Font name
titlefontsize = 20.0 ; Matrix title Font size (pt)
legend = yes ; Show the legend
legendfont = Helvetica ; Legend name Postscript Font name
legendfontsize = 12.0 ; Legend name Font size (pt)
legendlabel ; Used when there is none in the .xpm
legend2label ; Id. when merging two xpm’s
xbox = 2.0 ; x-size of a matrix element
ybox = 20.0 ; y-size of a matrix element
matrixspacing = 20.0 ; Space between 2 matrices
xoffset = 0.0 ; Between matrix and bounding box
yoffset = 0.0 ; Between matrix and bounding box

; X-axis options
x-lineat0value = no ; Draw line at matrix value==0
x-major = 1000.0 ; Major tick spacing
x-minor = 500.0 ; Id. Minor ticks
x-firstmajor = 0.0 ; Offset for major tick
x-majorat0 = no ; Additional Major tick at first frame
x-majorticklen = 8.0 ; Length of major ticks
x-minorticklen = 4.0 ; Id. Minor ticks
x-label = ; Used when there is none in the .xpm
x-font = Helvetica ; Axis label PostScript Font
x-fontsize = 12 ; Axis label Font size (pt)
x-tickfont = Helvetica ; Tick label PostScript Font
x-tickfontsize = 8 ; Tick label Font size (pt)

;Y-axis options
y-lineat0value = no
y-major = 10.0
y-minor = 5.0
y-firstmajor = 0.0
y-majorat0 = no
y-majorticklen = 8.0
y-minorticklen = 4.0
y-label =
y-fontsize = 12
y-font = Helvetica
y-tickfontsize = 8
y-tickfont = Helvetica

You need to adjust the values of xbox and ybox to scale the aspect ratio of the rectangle produced from the matrix.