System optimization

GROMACS version: 2020.1-Ubuntu-2020.1-1
GROMACS modification: No
Hi everyone!
I have some problem with system optimization.
I have a task to trace the molecular dynamics of berberine in water. To do this, I need to put berberine molecules in a water box. There was a problem described in the screenshot.
Used the command: gmx pdb2gmx -f *** -o *** -water spce

I know that GROMACS have a force fields for proteins. Is there an option to add a force field for non-protein structures?

There is no force field that will automatically parametrize any arbitrary species. You have to parametrize this molecule and provide a residue definition for it (.rtp entry) or use non-GROMACS tools to produce its topology.

Thanks a lot.
What a program i can use to get a .top file?

There’s one for every force field - CGenFF for CHARMM, Antechamber/AcPype for AMBER, LigParGen for OPLS, ATB for GROMOS, etc.

I will try to do something with this.

Forgot to ask. How can i get a LigParGen or something else? Is it addons for GROMACS?

With developing force field parameters for your molecule I’d suggest having a good look at the AMBER-DYES and CHARMM-DYES parameters and papers. This sort of molecule isn’t the easiest to model accurately with atomistic force fields.



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