WARNING: Duplicate line found in or between hackblock and rtp entries using AMBER99sb-ildn

GROMACS version: 2020.1
Dear Gromacs users,
I am using the AMBER99SB-ILDN force field for simulation. While using pdb2gmx, I am getting warning WARNING: Duplicate line found in or between hackblock and rtp entries.
I don’t get this warning while using other forceffield like AMBER99SB or AMBER99.

I don’t understand why this warning is coming for AMBER99SB-ILDN force field and not for others.
Can anyone suggest why this warning is coming for this specific force field and how I can remove this warning?

Thanks in advance,
Brijesh Saraswat

Here are warning i am getting

Brijesh Saraswat

The issue was solved in a later release 2020

I suggest to move to the latest version of 2020 series (if you need to use 2020 series) that is 2020.7 (https://manual.gromacs.org/2020-current/download.html)
If you have no special constrains, it is always better to use the most recent GROMACS release (see announcement Announcements - GROMACS forums)

Dear Alevilla,

Thanks for your suggestion.
Upgrading the GROMACS version works for me.

Have a nice day

Brijesh Saraswat