GROMACS version: 2018
GROMACS modification: No
Hello, I am trying to run 200ns on protein-ligand complex and then calculate MMPBSA for the last 100 ns generated frames. I had some problems with ligand parameterization with cgenff, hence I used gaff…I have:
- GAFF to generate parameters for the ligand
- acpype to convert amber generated parameters to gromacs readable
- used gromacs to generate topology for protein solely with AMBER96 (got three files: posre…itp;; topol…itp).
- I have built by adding lines for ligand.itp (generated with acpype) and position erstrains of the ligand atoms.
- Ultimately I have generated complex.gro with modified…
- Putting box and solvating of the system did not produce me any errors, but when I try to add ions. this is the error message I get:
Command line:
gmx grompp -f ion.mdp -c 5i94_solv.gro -p -o 5i94_ions.tpr
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘title’
NOTE 1 [file ion.mdp]:
With Verlet lists the optimal nstlist is >= 10, with GPUs >= 20. Note
that with the Verlet scheme, nstlist has no effect on the accuracy of
your simulation.
Setting the LD random seed to -1967932147
Generated 2211 of the 2211 non-bonded parameter combinations
Generating 1-4 interactions: fudge = 0.5
Generated 2211 of the 2211 1-4 parameter combinations
ERROR 1 [file 69V.itp, line 9]:
Atomtype ca not found
There was 1 note
Program: gmx grompp, version 2018.1
Source file: src/gromacs/gmxpreprocess/toppush.cpp (line 1390)
Fatal error:
There was 1 error in input file(s)
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
website at Errors - Gromacs
Anyone can help me understand where the issue comes from?
69V(ligand).itp looks like this:
[ moleculetype ]
;name nrexcl
69V 3
[ atoms ]
; nr type resi res atom cgnr charge mass ; qtot bond_type
1 ca 1 69V C15 1 -0.088300 12.01000 ; qtot -0.088
2 ca 1 69V C17 2 -0.128000 12.01000 ; qtot -0.216
3 ca 1 69V C20 3 -0.123000 12.01000 ; qtot -0.339
4 cc 1 69V C26 4 0.431300 12.01000 ; qtot 0.092
5 cc 1 69V C08 5 0.580700 12.01000 ; qtot 0.673
6 nd 1 69V N09 6 -0.394000 14.01000 ; qtot 0.279
7 nd 1 69V N10 7 -0.306000 14.01000 ; qtot -0.027
8 cc 1 69V C11 8 0.428300 12.01000 ; qtot 0.401
9 ca 1 69V C16 9 -0.123000 12.01000 ; qtot 0.278
10 ca 1 69V C18 10 -0.126000 12.01000 ; qtot 0.152
11 ca 1 69V C19 11 -0.128000 12.01000 ; qtot 0.024
12 cc 1 69V C23 12 0.524300 12.01000 ; qtot 0.548
13 nd 1 69V N24 13 -0.360000 14.01000 ; qtot 0.188
14 nd 1 69V N25 14 -0.347000 14.01000 ; qtot -0.159
15 ca 1 69V C30 15 -0.107300 12.01000 ; qtot -0.266