Dear Sir,
I hope this email finds you well. My name is LUKHMANUL HAKEEM K., and I’m a fourth-year undergraduate student currently conducting research in the Physicalorganic lab. I am reaching out to seek guidance regarding my recent attempts at molecular dynamics (MD) simulation using Gromacs.
To provide some context, I have followed a series of steps in setting up the MD simulation:
- I utilized the Antechamber tool to generate the force field parameters for our molecule.
- Subsequently, I employed the same tool to create force field parameters for acetone and solvated the molecule in acetone using a Leap script. This process generated the necessary prmtop and inpcrd files. ( I Follow this tutorial Tutorial 1 · Wiki · COBRAMM Development Group / cobramm · GitLab)
- I then used Acpype to convert the prmtop and inpcrd files to GROMACS format, resulting in topology, gro, em.mdp, md.mdp, and position.itp files.
- Afterward, I performed energy minimization on the structure and initiated an MD simulation for 10 picoseconds.
I have uploaded all the files related to my simulation to a Google Drive folder, which you can access through the following link: acepdigromacs - Google Drive
Given my limited experience, I am unsure whether the simulation setup and execution are correct and if the results can be considered valid. I would greatly appreciate it if you could review the files and provide me with feedback and guidance on any potential improvements or corrections needed to ensure the accuracy of my MD simulation.
Looking forward to your guidance.
Warm regards,