CG martini -RMSD error

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Hi, All
I have performed cg simulation (elastic network) for my target protein.
I am getting the following error, if i run rmsd

This was commandline I ran
1 gmx trjconv -s dyn.tpr -f dynamic.xtc -o md_0_1_noPBC.xtc -pbc mol -center
2, gmx rms -s dyn.tpr -f md_0_1_noPBC.xtc -o rmsd.xvg
selected backbone for both the least-squares fit and the group for rmsd calculation.
can anyone tell me how to solve this error?

As you see from the list, the Backbone selection group does not contain any elements. There is no automatic backbone detection for cg forcefields. You’ll have to create an index group with the backbone “beads”. If each of your cg beads describe both the backbone and the side chain you can use the Protein group instead.

Thanks for your reply, sir.